Sunday, July 10, 2016

Summer Blogging Promo Tour Post #1

The Summer Blogging Promo Tour 2016 is in full swing and is ran by Amber and Jessica from The Book Bratz. It started on July 3rd and this is my first official post due to some unexpected reasons. Anyways I'm feature Katie from Bibliophile. We will be playing a fun game of Movie I Spy. Basically I gave her some clues in an I Spy format. These movies are her favorite and her answers will be in purple.  Lets jump right in.

Movie I Spy

I spy a movie set in 1912
I spy a movie with a number 42 in it
         Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I spy a movie with pink coats
I spy a movie that was originally made in French
I spy a movie where the main character's friends are fishy.
        Little Mermaid
I spy a movie where I love you can break a curse
         Beauty and the Beast
I spy a movie that is out of this world
I spy a movie that judging people is common
        Pride and Prejudice

I had a really time doing this, she got them all right. I do feel that my clues were very easy, but still had a had a fun time. Thanks for tuning in and I hope you come back next week to see what blog I am hosting. Remember keep looking for your Once Upon A Time.

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